Friday, November 30, 2018

Nonfiction Writers Squeeze Their Brains

Dear Families,

It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces happy to be back at school this week!

Today we said goodbye to Miss McMorrow.  We are going to miss her and all the help she provided in the classroom.  Thank you for the generous donations for her book bag.  She was very touched by the thoughtfulness.

This week we began a new nonfiction unit in Writing Workshop.  Children chose a topic they know well, and began writing a book.  During our mini lessons we looked at mentor texts for craft moves that we could try out in our own writing; like a table of contents, diagrams with labels, bold words and definitions.  We also learned how nonfiction writers reread their writing and then think, "what else could I say?"

During math we continued our work with subtraction by playing dice games, completing equation worksheets and by "shopping" for books.  Each student was given '$100'  or '$50' to spend on books from a Scholastic book order.  The students loved being able to choose their own books, and couldn't believe this was math!!

We enjoyed our November, Fact or Fiction share.  Look for a new sharing topic letter and calendar for the month of December in your child's folder today!

Other Things to Ask Your Child About:
~The Ember Stone
~Watching Frosty for an all school celebration
~Get Close to Zero with Six Rolls
~The snowball greeting
~Fast changes vs. slow changes

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Making Models & Reading Nonfiction

Dear Families,

I have had such a fun solo week, teaching the children about maps, models, subtraction, and so on! This semester has been such a wonderful learning experience for me and the children have helped make my time as amazing as it has been.

During Writer's Workshop this week we have been working on making models of the landforms and bodies of water that each student chose to research. Using their research from last week, the children made models that had at least four labels. The children were able to choose whether they wanted to use the salt dough for their landform or body of water or the space around their landform or body of water. To label their models the children used toothpicks and labels to pinpoint what they were labeling.

Step 1: Planning and Molding the Salt Dough

Step 2: Painting and Labeling

In Reader's Workshop this week we have been learning about how we can read more than one non-fiction book on the same topic to add to what we already know. The children have been trying this out by reading at least two books on one topic such as dolphins, bats, horses, or bees. They have been noticing parts from both books that go together, adding on to what they already know, and growing their knowledge about topics to become experts!

Other things to ask your child about:
  1. Subtraction
  2. Each Kindness
  3. Classroom Maps
  4. Our celebration of the models & research
Have a great weekend! 
Ms. McMorrow :) 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Researchers at Work!

Dear Families,

Please look for your child's conference confirmation in their take home folder today.  I did my best to accommodate all requests. If your scheduled time does not work for you, please let me know as soon as possible.

During Writer's Workshop, we have been working on a short-focused research project on landforms and bodies of Water.  Last week, the children learned how to use an online resource called Kids Info Bits.  This week each child chose either a landform or body of water to research.  Using a research planning guide, children read online books and looked for information about their research topic. Ask your child about it!

This week in Farm to School we learned how dinosaur kale is related to broccoli and cauliflower and learned about the important nutrients it provides our body.  We helped break down the kale using a food processor and made kale smoothies.

Just a reminder that next week is Miss McMorrow's solo week of teaching!  The children have done a wonderful job of being respectful, mindful and cooperative as she has slowly taken over teaching responsibilities.  I reminded the children today, that next week they would not be seeing me in the classroom next week. 

Other Things to Ask Your Child About:
~One Tiny Turtle
~Time to the hour and half hour
~Using context to build knowledge of unknown words

Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Wrap the Mummy!

Dear Families,

A special thank you to Carol Henry, Alice Mills, Jess Riina and Heather Bush for providing yummy snacks and designing a fun Halloween afternoon on Wednesday.  Fun was had by all!

Be on the lookout for Parent/Teacher Conference sign-ups in take home folders today. Conferences are November 19th  and 20th but I have offered some alternative dates and times during the week prior.  Please select a time slot that works for your family and return your form by Monday,
November 5th so that I can get a schedule put together and send home confirmation slips. Thanks!

Please check out the two letters in your child's take home folder today. The first gives an overview of our November sharing theme during Morning Meeting.  Attach to the letter you will find a calendar with your child's share day.

Have you ever asked your child what they did in school and their response is... "nothing."  I'm sure this happens quite frequently!  The second letter, provides you more information about our October sharing theme - having a conversation.  I have attached a list of  questions to ask your child to get a conversation started about their school day.  I hope you find them helpful!

Other Things to Ask Your Child About:
~Knights in Shining Armor
~Mrs. Clark's presentation
~Looking for keywords in nonfiction reading
~Using the open number line for addition
~~"Cheers" to Writing

Have a great weekend!