Friday, August 31, 2018

RMC to be Successful!

Dear Families,

I hope your child has enjoyed his or her first week of second grade as much as I have.  It has been wonderful finally putting a face with a name and starting to learn about everyone's unique personalities.

During our first week of school we have spent a lot of time getting to know our classroom routines. Through our Responsive Classroom morning meeting and community building activities, we have also spent time getting to know each other. This year, our whole school is participating in a new mantra, RMC to be S, or Be Respectful, Be Mindful, Be Cooperative, to Be Successful.  When teachers "catch" students being RMC, they can receive a "Marky Mark."  When our classroom fills our class Marky Mark container, we will have a classroom celebration.  When our school fills our school wide tank, we will have a school wide celebration.

In our first Engineering task, students worked in groups of 3, using only one piece of construction paper, scissors and tape/glue to create a paper chain.  The children exhibited lots of teamwork, patience and cooperation!

This week, we participating in some "I <3 Math!" activities that built up some of our math mindsets including math is creative, everyone can do math, and mistakes and challenges help our brain grow. This work included subitizing dots up to 20 to see the many ways we can represent, break down and count numbers, and creating our own scales and graphs, and using shapes to create many different objects. 

Introducing Miss McMorrow!

Hi everyone! My name is Miss McMorrow and I am student teaching in Mrs. Ransom’s second grade this fall. I am a senior studying Elementary Education and Psychology at Saint Michael’s College. My hometown is Dorset, Vermont and I spend my summers teaching canoeing and rock climbing as a camp counselor at Adirondack Camp on Lake George. I have two younger brothers and two cats, but I really want a golden retriever. My favorite animal is a highland cow! A fun fact about me is that I studied abroad in Limerick, Ireland in the fall of 2017. I am looking forward to spending my time and teaching in Mrs. Ransom’s second grade!

See the sidebars for important dates including school pictures and our first early release day.

I look forward to a wonderful second week of school! Enjoy the long weekend!


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